Independent research experts at your service

Your sci-coaches

We are a complementary team, having many ideas, beliefs, and experiences in common. For instance, we have:

        • completed a PhD
        • managed several projects, in and out of academia
        • funded our own company
        • experience in leadership
        • practice in teaching and training
        • experience in coaching
        • always worked while parenting
        • an open heart and ears to support you
        • the dream to create healthy working environments

Choose your coach, if any preference, and book your appointment here.
The chosen coach will contact you directly.

To empower you in achieving your goals and living a fulfilled life

PhD in Biophysics

Author of Project Management for Success in Research

Trainer and coach in project and life management

Project manager experience in academia and public sector

International experience

Speaks English, French, German, Swiss-german

More under this link


Expert scientifique mais néophyte dans un monde multi-disciplinaire où la communication est primordiale. Sci-coaching est là pour vous aider à changer les choses.

Formation en mathématiques, chimie et sciences de l’ingénieur

Expérience professionnelle autant dans le monde académique qu’en entreprise ou en gestion de startup

Parle le français, l’allemand, le suisse-allemand et l’anglais

More under this link

Dr. Rodolphe DEWARRAT

My passion: listening to people, valuing and helping them on their way!

Studies in educational science (PhD), special needs education and contemporary history

Many years of professional experience in the third space Management of Higher Education Institutions in different positions and settings such as building third space careers, teaching and research evaluation, quality management and accreditation of programs and systems

I speak English, German and French

Dr. Désirée Donzallaz

“Personne n’éduque personne, les [êtres humains] s’éduquent ensemble par l’intermédiaire du monde” Paolo Freire

Dr phil. en Sciences de l’éducation

Enseignant, formateur d’adultes et en enseignement

Co-auteur de Diversifier son enseignement pour (mieux) différencier

CV et publications ici

Parle français

Dr phil. Michel p. CARRON