Coaching for researchers and academic staff
Based on our own experiences as researchers, group leaders, project managers, trainers, and coaches, we observe a lack of independent support in academia.
We are a team of 4 people to help you (professors, lecturers, postdocs, PhD candidates, Master students, managers in academic environments, project team members, scientific staff, academic staff, administrative staff, etc.) in your challenging situation(s).
We are independent of academia in the sense that we are NOT mandated by any academic organization. All conversations are naturally performed under strict confidentiality.
We are speaking english – nous parlons français – wir sprechen Deutsch.
Our typical coaching sessions last 60 minutes and are performed online.
Choose your coach, book an appointment, and we will contact you asap. For other questions, use the contact form.
Looking forward to meeting you
The Sci-coaching team

Questions you might also have
- Is an academic career for me? How can I reorient my career?
- What skills do we develop in research?
- Is it permitted to modify research results?
- My boss wants me to do/develop/publish works on which I totally disagree, help me find the way, please!
- Why do I never get enough time/resources to properly finish the projects?
- How to communicate with the management having no clue about science?
- Is it usual to be working day, night, and week-end on research projects?
- What can I do if I feel harassed/mobbed by my hierarchy?
- I hear a lot about burn-out; I feel tired, discouraged: am I a victim?
- How should I lead my team? How to solve conflicts?
- How can I increase my chances to get funding?
- …
Our fields of expertise
- time management
- life management (work-life balance included)
- conflicts with PI, professors, team members, colleagues, etc.
- managing a team
- supervision
- definition of project objectives
- project planning
- getting the necessary resources
- mitigating risks
- defining the project budget
- writing research proposals
- getting funding
- obtaining valuable research results
- ethical issues in research
- project related problems
- challenging working environments
- …
Our coaching sessions
A typical session lasts 60 minutes and is performed online.
Each session costs:
– 90 CHF for students and PhD candidates
– 120 CHF for postdocs or other team members
– 150 CHF for professors or similar positions
Payment will be done through TWINT or bank transfer. Credit cards are only for international transfers.
Free cancellation is only possible up to 24h in advance.
Choose your coach, book an appointment, and we will directly contact you.